The Scope of Change

Artist: Barbara Amos

Country: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Title: The Scope of Change

Date: 2014

Materials: stainless steel

Artist Statement

Fragmentation is a key theme of Barbara Amos’ work. As a child she had a kaleidoscope collection and in reminiscing about these scopes, began to realize that this idea was relevant to her current artwork. She experimented by creating a freestanding scope that could travel to galleries and museums for public use. Stepping up to the viewfinder provides an ironic twist on the traditional tourist scope.   Rather than framing or enlarging reality, this prism breaks it apart.   It is up to the viewer to reconstruct it, to piece things back together. On one level the work is a whimsical moment, engaging the viewer in a playful puzzle reminiscent of childhood. On another it is serious critical debate, a visual metaphor about the pace of change in our world.